What Is Stroke?
Disruptions of blood circulation to the brain may result in a stroke -- a disorder that occurs in two basic forms, both potentially life-threatening.
Disruptions of blood circulation to the brain may result in a stroke -- a disorder that occurs in two basic forms, both potentially life-threatening.
Sometimes a stroke develops gradually. But you're more likely to have one or more sudden warning signs like numbness or weakness, confusion, dizziness, or severe headache.
If you or someone with you exhibits any of the signs of stroke, do not delay because timely treatment is critical to survival and recovery.
There are three major kinds of stroke – ischemic, hemorrhagic, and transient ischemic attack (TIA) -- with different warning signs and symptoms.
Some people have strokes without ever knowing it. These so-called silent strokes either have no easy-to-recognize symptoms or you don’t remember them.