If you recognize and identify with these 10 traits, you may have an addictive personality.
Learn more about alcoholism and how to talk to your loved one about their heavy drinking.
Find out what soft addictions are and how you can break them.
If you think you may be a sex addict, there are 10 questions you can ask yourself to find out.
Find out if your drinking is becoming a problem and what you can do about it.
Abuse of alcohol and drugs among older people has been called the "invisible epidemic." Learn what to look out for to protect yourself or a loved one.
Cannabis use disorder is when you’re addicted to marijuana. Learn more about this condition and how to treat it.
From flushed cheeks and puffy eyes to the risk of skin cancer, drinking alcohol can affect your skin in many ways.
Whether you drink a lot or only once in a while, giving up alcohol may lead to changes in your body and mind. Find out what happens when you go dry.
Once you’re old enough to drink alcohol, it can actually age you faster than normal. Here’s how.
Addiction affects people from all walks of life. WebMD's slideshow will introduce you to celebrities who’ve battled drug and alcohol use disorders and shared their stories.
Is your drinking on the high side of normal, or has it crossed the line into a problem? Find out with the help of WebMD's slideshow what could signal trouble and what you can do about it.
A few seconds after your first sip, alcohol starts to change how your body works. After years of heavy drinking, those changes add up. Find out more from WebMD's slideshow.
Cell phones, social media, chocolate, a runner's high -- what is it you feel like you're addicted to? WebMD finds out why we feel we can't live without these things.
This WebMD slideshow features pictures of commonly abused prescription and over-the-counter drugs, including depressants, pain relievers, and stimulants.