
Kava is a beverage or extract made from the Piper methysticum plant. In the South Pacific, it's a popular drink that is used in ceremonies for relaxation.

The name "kava" comes from the Polynesian word "awa," which means bitter. Kava affects the brain and other parts of the central nervous system. Chemicals called kavalactones that are found in kava are believed to be responsible for its effects.

People commonly use kava for anxiety. It's also used for stress, withdrawal from drugs called benzodiazepines, sleeping problems, and many other purposes, but there is no good scientific evidence to support many of these uses.

Cases of liver damage and even some deaths have been linked to kava use. Because of this, kava was taken off the market in Europe and Canada in the early 2000s. But after reviewing the evidence, most countries have allowed kava to return to the market. Kava was never taken off the market in the US.

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