Your pregnancy is filled
with exciting milestones
you can see and feel.
Here's a timeline of what
you can look forward to.
Early clues that you're pregnant
may start to show up
in your fourth week.
You might miss a period,
or your breasts may feel tender.
A home pregnancy test can
confirm what your body my be telling you.
If you're a first-time mom-to-be,
your baby bump could start
to show between weeks 12-16.
But, if you've been pregnant before,
you could show sooner.
Around week 17, you may feel
your little one move around.
At about week 18,
an ultrasound can show you
whether you're having
a little boy or a girl.
Whether you choose to know
is up to you.
If you feel something kicking
inside you in week 19,
it's probably not what you ate for dinner.
Your baby typically gets footloose
around then,
especially if she's not
your first child.
As you reach the 2nd half
of your pregnancy, you'll start
to feel your growing baby moving
around more often.
Around week 27,
you may get Braxton-Hicks
Those are fake-out labor pains.
Unlike real contractions,
they usually go away with rest,
and they don't get closer
together as the minutes tick by.
Your womb reaches its top size
by week 37.
So you may be feeling extra
squeezed for space!
After week 38, you're in the home stretch
because due dates are only estimates,
your baby could arrive any day
You'll go into labor
and finally meet the little girl
or boy who started growing
inside you all those months ago.