Multiples and Twins Directory
If you give birth to twins, triplets, or more, it is called a multiple birth. Multiple births have become much more common in recent years with the increasing popularity of fertility treatments such as vitro fertilization (IVF). Pregnant women over 30 are also more likely to give birth to multiples. A multiple pregnancy raises the risk of pregnancy-related complications, such as preeclampsia, premature delivery, and low birth weight. Follow the links below to find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of pregnancy with multiples, the possible complications, and much more.
Medical Reference
Risks Linked With Twin Births
Managing risks linked with twin births.
How to Pack a Diaper Bag for Twins
How to Pack a Diaper Bag for Twins
The Truth About Eating for Two
How to eat a healthy diet during pregnancy.
The Truth About Eating for Twins
Tips on eating healthfully when you're having twins
11 Things You Didn't know About Twin Pregnancies
If you are expecting twins and don't know what to expect, you are not alone. Here's some advice from experts about what's in store for you and your twins.
Actress Marcia Cross Advocates for Cancer Prevention
The Desperate Housewives' star is helping lead the fight against cancer in marches, through her advocacy, and with her own family.
Dennis Quaid Fights Medical Errors
Actor Dennis Quaid on medical errors – and life with twins.
Life With Twins: Maureen Downey's Story
Maureen Downey and her husband, Bo Emerson, conceived twins Rebecca and Joey with help from IVF 10 years ago.
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